Levitical Tithing Trap

If you are only concerned with how money is raised and utilized in the local assemblies in the guise of Levitical tithing you miss the most dangerous trap in the tithing doctrine. The trap has to do with the readiness of the militant church for rapture.



End-Time Revival

Whereas the problem of the world is regeneration, the need to be translated from death to life, the problem of born again Christians is growth in grace. Every believer has the option to grow or not grow in the things of God thereby occupying till Christ returns to consummate all things.

Jesus is returning for a church without spot, wrinkle or blemish. The Body of Christ has been corrupted by mammon, pursuit of pleasure and inordinate ambition for power. There is urgent need for followers of Christ to bring revival to this end-time church as the time for the return of the Lord draws near.

Consequently, the time has come to deal with mammon the god of riches that has invaded the church by ensuring that the demand, collection and utilization of money in the church are in accord with New Covenant biblical provisions.

It is also important to preach the gospel of the grace of God to unbelievers and teach the principles of the doctrine of Christ to those who believe as the original Apostles did rather than saturate the church with the doctrine of material prosperity and make the Church of Jesus Christ look like a huge worldwide commercial conglomerate.

I am persuaded that before any genuine and meaningful revival can take place in this present evil world, the church must as a matter of utmost urgency:

  • Cancel Levitical tithing to remove the curse currently plaguing the organized church, together with those who pollute the church with blood money.
  • Cancel all grandiose building projects and programs and channel funds so released to evangelism and discipleship.
  • Empty Bank vaults of cash stashed there by church denominations for the ‘rainy day’ and use the cash to meet the needs of poor brethren and the persecuted church anywhere in the world. The ‘rain’ has started falling already.
  • Provoke individual and corporate repentance for keeping Jesus out of His Church for so long and following wrong doctrines instead of following the Lord and imitating the original Apostles.
  • Encourage self-judgment by partaking in Holy Communion daily corporately and privately with Spirit-led teaching to prevent some folks from falling sick or falling asleep due to ignorance.

These should be regarded as the minimum requirement for internally-generated revival in the militant church.

~Collins #rapturewatchersfellowship.org

Bride and Wife of Christ

Anyone who aspires to be the Bride and Wife of Christ must be born three times.


The first birth is physical – by blood, the will of the flesh and the will of man. That’s the story of all of us.


The second birth is spiritual by grace; an unmerited favour.


The third birth is also spiritual, by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. It’s attained by being full of, living in, and walking with the Holy Spirit till the end.


The only means of entering heaven in a perfect state is through the rapture. Of the four remaining raptures, two are person-specific and appertains to the Jews. The other two are the rapture of Christians and the rapture of tribulation martyrs.


A born again Christian can be disqualified from participating in church rapture for failure to meet the set standard.


A raptured saint can miss being included in the Priesthood of Christ for lack of adequate preparation.


To be a wife you must have been chosen as a Bride at the Judgment Seat of Christ.


Hence, every heaven-bound believer is expected to work out his or her own salvation with fear and trembling.


As a born again Christian, it is your responsibility to cleanse yourself from every form of filthiness in order to attain the level of holiness required to qualify to participate not only in the rapture of the called-out ones but also to be selected as a bride of Christ.


~Collins #evangelical fellowshipinstitute.org

Two Rapture Options

The only means for saints to be transformed to see God in a perfect state is through the supernatural airlift of dead and living saints to the heavens.


Bishop of Souls

In the five-fold ministry Bishop is not one of the gifts the Lord gave to the church. “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.”

(Eph 4:11)


In the list of nine appointive posts God gives to those added to the house church system, bishop is not one of them.


“And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?  (1 Cor 12:28-30)


Is it biblically correct, therefore, for a born again Christian to be the bishop of the soul of another born again Christian?  As is written: “For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.” (1 Pet 2:25 KJV)