No ministry can be sustained without prayer, connections and finance. In 1 Corinthians 12:28 Apostle Paul said: “And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.” God appoints Helpers to assist in doing the work of ministry.
In Evangelical Fellowship Institute, we believe the helps ministry has a promise for:
As promised Jesus is building His church and the Holy Spirit is our Helper in the fulfillment of our various destinies. Corporately, the Holy Spirit uses willing men and women to carry out the business of bonding individual Christians into the Body of Christ fit for the Master’s use. The purpose of Helpers in EFI is to facilitate the implementation of our mandate.
We run a fellowship of few believers at designated centers. The fellowships which are not like conventional churches do not interfere with church programs or the activities of members in their churches. Our mandate is to use the pulpit, print, electronic and other media to stir believers to be conscious of, and prepare for, the second coming of Christ, arouse the attention of Christians to the imminence of the rapture, the next event in God’s calendar and teach sound Biblical end-time doctrine in order to dispel deceptions of these last-days and correct misconceptions about the plan of God for the end-time. We are also empowered to disseminate several revelations and visions received in respect of the concluding aspects of the mandate of Jesus. They include returning the church to the old path, sound end-time teaching and a platform for members of the eschatological community to come together and occupy till Jesus returns.
As a result of the mandate, our objective is to use every available means of communication to change erroneous doctrines in the church, share comfort and hope among God’s people, stirring one another to be conscious of, and prepare for, the second coming of Christ by being watchful, ready and fully focused on individualized divine assignment as they look forward to the rapture of the Church.
Although doctrinal impartation is online there are aspects of our mandate that cannot be carried out without meeting in cells of at least twelve members. Helpers are needed to organize members in their localities, arrange for meeting venues and supervise fellowship meetings.
By going through the articles on this website you will understand what God has called us to do better. We are not concerned with erecting physical structures as worship centers – there is hardly time for that. We meet in private homes and with increase in number in public places like hotels, restaurants and public halls. To do that will cost money, time and effort. This is where you come in. If you are led of the Holy Spirit to participate in this rewarding assignment please get in touch with us for further details.